Abstract submission rules for LAICON National 2025
Last date of Submission: 15 February 2025.
Registration for the Conference is not mandatory at the time of submission of abstract.
The abstract should be part of original research and should not have been published earlier.
The topic of oral presentation/poster should be related to the field of lipidology, ASCVD or metabolic disorders.
Oral Presentation:
First prize INR 30,000
Second prize INR 25,000
Third prize INR 20,000
Poster Presentation:
First prize INR 15,000
Second prize INR 10,000
Third prize INR 05,000
Procedure for submission of abstract:
It should be submitted through website URL https://www.lipid.net.in/abstract only.
Abstracts submitted by any other means will not be accepted.
Abstract should be in English only.
Once the abstract is submitted, no corrections or changes will be permitted.
The abstract (excluding title, authors’ names & affiliations should contain a maximum of 400 words.
The abstract should be structured and have sub-headings viz. Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion and should contain email addresses for correspondence.
Clinical and experimental Research must confirm to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association and CCSEA guidelines.
Procedure for selection of abstracts for oral presentations:
All submitted abstracts will be adjudicated by a panel of experts.
The panel of experts will select three abstracts for oral presentation at the conference.
All candidates whose abstracts are selected for oral presentation will be intimated through their email address.
Candidates selected for oral presentations at the conference will have to register for the conference.
The selected candidates will be given 10 minutes to present their research work followed by 05 minutes of discussion.
A panel of experts will select presentations for the awarding first, second and third prizes.
The awards will be presented at the awards ceremony on 02 March 2025
Procedure for selection of abstracts for poster presentation:
All submitted abstracts will be adjudicated by a panel of experts.
The panel of experts will select abstracts for poster presentation at the conference.
All candidates whose abstracts are selected for poster presentation will be intimated through their email address.
Candidates selected to display their posters will have to register for the conference.
A panel of experts will select three posters for the awarding first, second and third prizes.
The award will be presented at the awards ceremony on 02 March 2025
# All expenses like airfare/travel expenses, hotel accommodation, are to be borne by all oral and poster presenters.
# All candidates whose posters are selected for presentations in the conference will be given certificate of participation by the LAI.